Constitution & By-Laws
Article 1 – The Name
This Campground was founded prior to 1870. The name of this hallowed place shall be know as Morrison Campground in memory of Mr. E.R. Morrison, who donated the original four (4) acres of land.
Article II – The Object
The object of this historical site is to enrich the spiritual life of all persons; to promote Christian fellowship and service; to conduct Campmeeting Services annually; to provide a District Camp and Youth Center for the Rome District; and to accommodate various group activities with Christian motivation for the salvation of souls and the conversion of the world.
Article III – Constituency
Section 1 While this facility is owned and operated by the trustees of Morrison Campground, according to the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, as successor to the Methodist Episcopal Church South, all evangelical Christians are invited to share in the blessings, the labors, and the responsibilities of the Campground.
Section 2 Those who desire to build a cottage, or to utilize any of the properties for campsites, etc., on the Morrison Campgound property shall make application to the Board of Trustees in writing for approval by the Board of Trustees.
Section 3 (a) All cottage holders shall clearly understand that any property on which a cottage or building is erected remains the property of the Campground. Any building therefore erected on the property of the Campground becomes the property of the Campground. Those persons holding cottage privileges and those with camp privileges are expected to support the object, the rules and the policies of the Campground as stipulated in the Constitution and By-Laws and, as they be amended in true form.
Section 3 (b) If, at any time, in the judgement of the Board of Trustees, the property utilized by the cottage holders or the campers, is not held in accordance with the provisions herein stated, those holding said property shall be requested to dispose of the same to a party who is approved and accepted by the Board of Trustees.
Article IV – Management
Section 1 The Superintendent of the Rome District of the United Methodist Church shall be a member of the Board of Trustees.
Section 2 The Pastor of the Mizpah United Methodist Church shall be a member of the Board of Trustees.
Section 3 The Campground shall be operated and governed by a Board of Trustees.
Section 4 The Board of Trustees shall be selected by the recommendation of the Morrison Campground Board of Trustees and the confirmation of the Mizpah Charge Conference.
Section 5 Vacancies occurring in the membership of the Board of Trustees are to be filled by vote of the remaining Board of Trustees and confirmed by the Mizpah Charge Conference.
Section 6 Standing Committee Chairmen and Committee membership will be nominated and elected at the organizational meeting of the Board of Trustees as soon as practical, annually at the end of each Campmeeting.
Section 7 No Officer or Committee Chairman will serve in the same capacity for more than four (4) consecutive years. However, they may be re-elected after an interim period.
Article V – Amendments
This Constitution and/or these By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Morrison Campground Board of Trustees and the approval of the Mizpah Charge Conference.
Section 1 Annual Campmeeting shall begin with the first Friday evening service in August and will conclude with the evening service on the second Sunday following.
Section 2 All other meetings, schedules and dates must be cleared with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, or one appointed by him.
Section 3 There shall be two regular business meetings of the Board of Trustees annually; one as soon as practical in January of each year and the other during the week of Campmeeting. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the Chairman of the Board at any time he deems necessary, with ample notice given each Trustee.
Section 1 The Officers of the Board of Trustees shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 These Officers are to be nominated and elected by the Board of Trustees at the annual Organizational Meeting.
Duties of Officers
Section 1 The Chairman shall preside over the business and executive sessions of the Board of Trustees, and shall be assisted by the District Superintendent where needed in the Campmeeting Services.
Section 2 The Vice-Chairman shall assume and perform all of the duties of the Chairman in his absence.
Section 3 The Secretary shall keep and publish all minutes of the regular and special-called Board of Trustees meetings and shall furnish the Chairman with a copy of the same.
Section 4 The Treasurer shall be bonded (at the option of the Board of Trustees), collect and have custody of all funds turned over to him. He is authorized to pay all regular bills and all special ones on approval of the Chairman. He shall make a report at each of the regular Board of Trustees meetings. The books of the Treasurer are to be audited annually.
Section 1 The Nominating Committee appointed by the Chairman shall nominate a Chairperson of the various Standing Committees and membership of each committee at the Organizational Meeting.
Section 2 The Preachers and Music Director shall be selected by a committee appointed by the Chairman of the Board, including the District Superintendent.
Section 3 The Standing Committees to be elected annually at the Organizational Meeting are the following:
o Program and Nominating Committee
o Finance
o Buildings and Grounds
o Publicity
o Entertainment
o Cottage
o Youth Activities
o Ministers, Music Director, etc.
Section 4 Special committees may be appointed as the need may occur.
Duties of Committees
Section 1 The responsibilities and the duties of the Standing Committees and the Special Committees designated by the Chairman will be assigned by the Chairman at the Organizational Meeting.
Section 2 Each Committee Chairman is responsible to the Chairman of the Board for his assignment.